devised theatre for musicians in multiple rooms
April-June 2011; ~15′

Premiere: The Chimera Ensemble, York Concert Series, 24th June 2011.

View photos in the Gallery.
The Soundcloud audio reveals the real ending…

cage 0 – [conductor]
cage 1 – Trio. [winds 1, 2 + 3]
cage 2 – Duo. [strings 1 + 2]
cage 3 – Voice. [male]
cage 4 – Solo. [percussion]
cage 5 – Solo. [brass 1]
cage 6 – Duo. [piano + string 3]
cage 7 – Solo. [brass 2]
cage 8 – Voice. [female]

Please do not listen to, encourage or intimidate the musicians.

To alleviate stress in our musicians during practice sessions please make sure loud noises are kept to a minimum; this ensures that all our musicians can be viewed in close proximity.

All musicians receive and specially prepare materials; unsuitable materials could cause them distress.

Please let the composer know if you have any allergies such as text-based improvisation. If an object is too loud, do not attempt to listen to it, tell the conductor.

Do not enter any enclosure without a conductor present. Do not try to touch any rehearsing musician as this may cause them to express themselves. Keep hands away from chain link fences.

Compiled for your safety to ensure your visit is a safe and happy one.

Photographs by Hannah Gibbs